Hire an Employee or use Clockwork Rapid Resources℠

bigstockphoto_Needle_in_haystack_6380917You are running with a lean staff and have to justify new headcount.  But it’s not just salary, it’s benefits, taxes, training, and time for your new, “really needed” resource to get up to speed and make a contribution.

A February 2013 article by CNNMoney illustrates the “extra” costs associated with hiring an employee — benefits, training, social security, Medicare, state and federal unemployment insurance, health care insurance, and 401k benefits.  They estimate that benefits and taxes alone will add another 18 to 26% on top of the salary of the employee to the employer’s costs.  And that doesn’t count lost time of a new hire to get on board, get trained, get up to speed, and start contributing.

And that is why you need to talk to Clockwork.

Hiring Clockwork on a temporary, or project-at-a-time basis can get projects completed, back on track, or ahead of schedule using just the talent you need for just the time you need it.  Need our help full time while you build bench strength?  Only need a part-time resource for an important project that cannot justify a full-time project manager?  We can provide the right resource for your situation.

With Clockwork Rapid Resources℠ service, we deploy BA, QA, PM, or developer resources to you in as little as 24 hours for on-site or remote needs.  With no on boarding or training expense, you can bring in Clockwork resources ready to go as seasonal or business demand warrants.  Our new Clockwork Rapid Resources℠ program is an ideal solution to short term business needs without long term headaches or additional costs associated with hiring a full time employee.

Contact us today to discuss how Clockwork Rapid Resources℠ can meet your needs.

To read the article from CNNMoney entitled “You make $70k but cost your boss $88k,” click http://money.cnn.com/2013/02/28/smallbusiness/salary-benefits